How To Keep An Organized Car
Cars are a tricky place to organize! They are full of awkward spaces and temporary items. Your needs within your car are always changing, but you only have a small space to work with. And, if you have kids, you are bound to have a chaotic car! Kids bring crumbs, toys, diaper bags, and more to the car, plus the car seats make it difficult to navigate. But there are a few practices and products that can really help… Here’s what I recommend to keep an organized car.

Car Organization: Key Practices
1. Minimize the food.
As much as possible, eat before or after your car ride. I know it’s not always possible, but when you can, try to eat outside of the car. It’s not only a mess-concern, but also a safety concern! I love efficiency, so I am somewhat preaching to myself here… Slow down. Find a different way to save time.
This is also a great rule if you have kids! They make the biggest messes of all. If your kids have to eat while in the car, though, use snack cups and catch-all bibs to minimize the mess. Choose minimal-mess snack ideas. And keep hand & face wipes nearby for quick and easy clean-up!
2. Clear everything out, every time.
Everyone I know with a clean car does this: after every single car ride, they carry everything inside that doesn’t stay in the car. Especially trash! If you don’t need it next time you’re in the car, it should come inside.
I do have a couple exceptions to this rule:
- Items for which I need to run errands. Those “live” in my trunk, because it’s a less-intrusive place than my mud room or entryway.
- The diaper bag. Again, I classify this in my mind “living” in the car, because it always comes with us on errands. The only time I bring the diaper bag inside is when I need to replenish it.
3. Spot vacuum occasionally.
Vacuuming your car is the biggest bang-for-your-buck task in terms of time & effort spent for visual impact. This is one of those tasks that sounds intimidating, but it truly only takes 5-10 minutes. Trust me. Time it, and see for yourself.
We have the Dyson cordless vacuum in our mudroom, which makes it so easy to switch between a stick vacuum and a handheld vacuum. This is one of my favorite cleaning tools EVER, so I highly recommend it if you are in the market for a new vacuum.
If you don’t have a handheld vacuum though, you can usually find some powerful car vacuums at local car washes.
Car Organization: Helpful Products
Check out these products that have been so helpful for keeping all of our stuff organized in the car!

Car Back Seat Organizer — These are a great use of vertical space. They barely take up additional room in the car, but they hold a lot and make it easily accessible. I use these for the kids’ stuff, with each kids’ stuff in front of their car seat.

Car Trash Can — We don’t have a car trash can yet, but it’s next on my list! It will make it easier to batch up trash removal into occasional trips. I like this look of this one, and the fact that it can go in various locations within the car.

Headrest Hooks — Again, a great use of vertical space! Great for storing your purse or diaper bag or other items, while still keeping the floor of the car clear.

Sunglasses Holder — A perfectly simple solution for if your car doesn’t have a place for your sunglasses.

Calpak Car Organizer — This type of organizer is so helpful for containing the many items always coming in and out of the trunk. And I imagine it will only become even more useful as my kids get older!

Trunk Organizer — I think a cheaper version would work just as well.

Hanging Trunk Organizer — Another great use of vertical space, this organizer hangs on the back seat for out-of-the-way trunk storage.

Hand Sanitizer — I like to keep a hand sanitizer pump on the door for easy access after running errands, pumping gas, changing a diaper, etc. The door of the car is the best spot because you don’t have to touch much to get to it! And a pump-bottle is also key for minimal touch.
What are your go-to products for keeping your car organized?