Sleep and Nightstand Organization: Why Less Is More
As I continue to reflect on my goals and refine them, I’ve decided that I need to prioritize sleep more.

When it comes to amount of sleep vs. hours in the day, my philosophy is quality over quantity: the quality of my wake time is more important that my number of awake hours. Thus, if I take the time to get enough sleep regularly, I will ultimately be more productive and more effective.
It’s very difficult for me to remember this at night, when I still have a long to-do list, because it feels like the best way to get through that list is to just do it ASAP. But then I stay up too late, I wake up the next morning overtired, and I spend most of the next day dragging and procrastinating, pushing my to-do list to the evening, and thus repeating the cycle.
So this week (and hopefully this whole month), I’m really going to work on prioritizing sleep by going to bed earlier. My goal is to NOT do the things on my to-do list… so that ultimately I can actually do more of them… It may seem counterintuitive, but sometimes less is more.

One area of the house where I am am implementing the same “less is more” concept in order to meet this very goal is with my NIGHTSTAND ORGANIZATION. I want to eliminate distractions as much as possible as I’m trying to go to bed.
For one, I love a nightstand with DRAWERS – drawers keep items hidden, and out of sight = out of mind!

But even within the drawers, I like to keep it simple, just for peace of mind. I basically just have books, tissues, water, lotion, and chapstick… anything I might need right before I go to sleep or in the middle of the night. Everything else can go somewhere else the in the house because it’s for awake time only.

And then on top of my nightstand, this cord holder has been amazing! Unfortunately the number of chargers and devices I have keeps growing. One day I might be brave enough to change that, but for now I like them there, and I LOVE keeping my cords in place with this cord holder.
What have you done to simplify your nightstand and facilitate good sleep?

Three other nightstand essentials: a sleep mask, notecards (or paper) and few pens. I used to think that sleep masks were strange. After trying one during business travel, they have become an essential to shut out light and send a signal to my body that it’s time to sleep. Notecards or paper and pens are perfect for a to do list item or idea that crops up in the middle of the night. Rather than stay awake thinking about it, I just write it down. I can go back to sleep knowing it will be there for consideration in the morning.
Yes, I love that idea! I used to keep a paper and pen as well, but then I moved to taking notes on my phone. A paper and pen would probably be better to reduce the blue light, though… thanks for the reminder & suggestion, Tammi! 🙂