
Q&A: Baby #2 and My First Trimester

It’s been a while since I’ve posted on this blog, and that’s because I’ve been abnormally tired and incapacitated lately… but for GOOD REASON! I’m so excited to share our big news…

I’m pregnant! We are expecting our second baby, and we are over-the-moon excited and thankful.

Since I’ve been absent from here over the past month, I thought I’d share a little bit more about how I’ve been doing through the first trimester by answering some of the questions I most commonly get from friends and family…

How far along are you?/When are you due?

As of writing this, I am about 14 weeks along. The baby is due early October!

How do you feel?

Pretty good, all things considered! I’ve had most of the standard first trimester symptoms, especially tiredness and nausea. Luckily, my first trimesters are usually pretty mild as compared to others’ (i.e. I’m not struggling to keep my food down, I just don’t feel like eating sometimes…). But still, feeling tired and nauseous day-after-day can really take it out of you, no matter how severe it is.

Also, if I’m remembering correctly, I think I’ve been feeling worse this time around than I did with my first pregnancy. That might just be because I am spending all of my free energy running after a 1.5 year-old, though!

My doctor recommended Vitamin B6 and Unisom to help me feel better, and I think the medicine has really helped. I have felt drastically worse every time that I have forgotten to take it than I do on regular days.

How is the baby doing?

Every scan so far has indicated that the baby is healthy and in track! At my last appointment, they could barely measure the baby because he or she was moving around so much, and that movement is a good sign. We are incredibly thankful!

Was this pregnancy planned/expected?

Yes 🙂 Cooper and I both come from families with siblings all two years apart, and we loved it. We were hoping to have kids 2 or 3 years apart, and it turns out God’s plan for us was 2! It was slightly surprising to get pregnant so quickly (because the first time it took awhile), but we are nothing but thankful. We know that so many people struggle with infertility, so we do NOT take this blessing for granted.

Are you finding out the gender?

YES! I am SO EXCITED about this, because we didn’t find out during our first pregnancy. Cooper is a big fan of surprises, but I love knowing information and planning ahead… So this time around feels like “my turn” (lol)! We will find out at the 20-week anatomy scan in mid-May.

Do you have a feeling if it is a boy or a girl?

I have no idea whatsoever. Cooper is convinced it’s a girl, and all his joking about it actually has me leaning in that direction, too. But who knows!

Do you want a boy or a girl?

Again, I have no idea… There are pros and cons to both! I used to think I wanted a girl, but now that I have one boy, I think it would be fun to have another. So I’m hoping that I’ll be excited either way! (But I’m also going to allow myself to feel emotional if that’s what happens… because, you know, #pregnancyhormones.)

How does Jackson feel? Is he excited to be a big brother?

I’m not sure how much Jackson really comprehends of what’s going on. If you ask him if he wants to be a big brother or to have a little brother or sister, he nods his head yes. But he’s only 1.5 right now, so who knows what’s going on in that little growing mind of his!

I have no doubt that we will have our fair share of struggles as we navigate such a big transition, but I also have no doubt that Jackson will be an incredible big brother. 🙂

Thank you to all who have prayed for us and wished us well so far! We appreciate your love and support more than we can possibly express. Here’s to the next adventure!