My Diaper Bag Packing List & Process

When you go out with your baby, there’s nothing worse than having more baby gear than you can carry… except for maybe being out of the house and realizing that you don’t have an essential item like a diaper or bottle! So, when packing a diaper bag, where do you draw the line between bringing everything you own and keeping it simple?
Well, for one, have a plan. If you are packing last minute, you will likely end up bringing way too much stuff. So instead of re-stocking your diaper bag right before you leave, re-stock it when you get home from going out, or at the end of the night. That way, it’s always ready to go!

And then of course there’s the question of what to pack. As with most packing lists, I like to think through the items I will need by activity. For a baby this would be: Diapering, Eating, Sleeping, Playing, and Well-Being. The items within these categories will vary by age, so I will share my diaper bag packing lists for both a newborn and a toddler.
I also like to keep these items sorted in their “sub-categories” in the diaper bag itself for easy access when it’s time for each activity. (I use these clear bags to do that.)
Diaper Bag Packing List for a Newborn
* I keep these items in the car.
- Changing pad
- Diapers (1 for every hour you will be out)
- Wipes
- Hand sanitizer
- Extra outfits
- Wet/dry bag
If nursing…
- Nursing cover (bonus points if it doubles as a car seat cover)
- Burp cloths
- For mama…
- Nursing pads
- Extra shirt & nursing bra
- Water bottle
If bottle-feeding…
- Clean bottles & nipples
- Formula and/or breastmilk
- Portable bottle warmer or thermos with warm water
- Swaddle
- Sound machine
- Portable bassinet*
- Pacifier(s) & pacifier clip
- Wubbanub
- Blanket (for tummy time)
- Baby carrier*
- Stroller*
- Any necessary medication
- Disinfectant wipes

Diaper Bag Packing List for a Toddler
* I keep these items in the car.
- Changing pad
- Diapers (1 for every hour you will be out)
- Wipes
- Hand sanitizer
- Bumbo/booster seat*
- Snacks!!!
- Water and/or milk (add at the last minute)
- Bib
- Face wipes
- Extra outfit
We don’t usually have Jackson nap on-the-go now that he takes one long nap per day, so we no longer keep sleep items in the diaper bag. We just add them in if we’re going somewhere more long-term.
- Toys
- Books
- Stroller*
- Any necessary medication
- Mask (if over 2)
- Disinfectant wipes
- High-chair/shopping cart cover*
The items you need for you and your baby will certainly vary, but hopefully these lists can serve as a helpful starting point.

Let me know if you have any helpful hacks for parenting on-the-go!

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