
How I’m Finding Time as a New Mom of Two

The transition from one to two kids in our household has been relatively smooth (given what it is), but it is by no means easy! The workload has doubled, and I’m still a little more deprived of sleep than I’d like to be. I definitely don’t have it all figured out yet, but I am discovering new ways to find time for myself or to be more productive. Here are some ways that I’m saving time as a new mom of two kids.

1. Work while they’re awake.

You know what they say: “Sleep while the baby sleeps!” This has always felt impossible to me until recently, when I really started to realize what it takes to do that: work while they’re awake!

I’m learning that I don’t have to wait until the kids are sleeping to do all of my work. Some items might need to wait, but there’s usually a lot that can be done with them by my side. Working with kids instead of around them also demonstrates a good work ethic and realistic expectations of life!

To make this possible, I am babywearing my newborn more. We upgraded baby carriers this time around, and I’m so glad we did, because I can now be with my baby while still having free hands. (I got the Solly Baby Wrap, and I love it! I am also tempted by this one because it looks so easy to put on.)

And for our toddler, we got some toys that correspond to common chores. We love this cleaning set and this toy vacuum! And the play kitchen, tool set, and yard tools are also classics. But I think what matters most is just how I speak and act while doing the task – I need to actively involve him. For example, I tell him what I’m doing; I slow down to demonstrate certain things; I praise him when he does the same thing correctly; etc. It might be a little bit slower of a process, but it brings us both more joy and is ultimately more productive since I’m at least getting something done while he’s awake!

2. Delegate.

I am lucky enough to have family and friends who offer to help me, but I often struggle to know how to take advantage of that help instead of just *doing everything myself*.

One practice that has helped me recently is to write everything down. I’ve been posting the baby’s schedule in the kitchen so that babysitters can easily remember when nap time is. I labeled the snack shelf so that grandparents know what’s allowed at snack time… And more! I’m learning that the more I write things down, the easier it becomes for other people to help me.

3. Cut corners.

Typically no one is as thorough and as attentive to detail as I am (except for maybe my firstborn…). But parenthood is teaching me that there is a time and a place for perfection, and many of daily life’s tasks are not it. I am practicing letting go of perfection and embracing the concept of “good enough”.

What are ways that you make more time for yourself as a parent?

For more productivity ideas, see my post How To Be Productive When You Have No Time!